When I heard the news- I just was stunned & gutted. Although I was keenly aware of the inevitable- I thought I had time to BRACE. Wasn’t it 2 months ago we broke bread and talked like there was a million tomorrows? WOW is this life short. Wanting to comfort my wife’s grief, I found myself too ROCKED to get up out of my seat. I love you, Johnny. You ALWAYS showed me nothing but respect and inclusion. You emphatically told me (many times) that I was FAMILY. I will never forget your advocacy & will forever cherish your vehement acceptance.

B.P.S. Johnny Marcelin, TOUGH as they come. An intimidating figure to those who are NOT like kind. Not one to trifle with. Never minced words. Pulled no punches. If you weren’t For-Real; he’d eat you up. (LOVE IT!) But once he let you IN- you were IN for good! So misunderstood by so many…Always a FORCE to reckon with…But now, the BOLD LION is gone, and it is ALL our loss! He left us after 80 years on this earth. That seems like a lot- but it goes by so quickly. And now, the world is imbalanced. Everything seems- so OFF… I feel empty at this moment but forever grateful for all the DIPLAYS OF KINDNESS Johnny showed my beautiful wife when she was a fatherless, vulnerable thrown-away child, & there were MANY! I Thank You, Thank you, Thank you for that, Johnny…

P.S. The pic is when Johnny was in his youth & the world was his oyster! That’s who he really is! R.I.P. my dear Brotha. R.I.P. Your suffering is finally over. I will miss those long open-hearted conversations we had on the phone & I will remember you fondly. You were always my FOCAL POINT to hang out with @ family gatherings. Angela & I will miss you. Much respect & much, MUCH LOVE! …from the Lookout Post.
