HOWEVER UNFAIR (& The Question)

The following is dedicated to Brotha Ashley- May it transmute your pain!

You can clearly recall That Moment,
life ripped out your gut.

Trying to Move On,
Becomes an insurmountable Rut.

Finality becomes a Reality,
& it’s just a number of days.

The Blues just ain’t lett’n up man,
& blue turns to Purple Haze.

The Tragic Loss of a loved one,
felt so terribly alone.

The deafening Sound Of Silence,
Becomes painful to the bone.

Grief takes its Toll,
& becomes a spiraling Abyss.

The World You Loved & used to know man,
no longer exists!”

“He who has a WHY to live for, can bear almost any HOW.”- Nietzsche

It doesn’t always make sense. Misfortune and Tragedy can wipe out all rationality and throw you into a tailspin! So, do NOT try to make sense out of THAT which can-never-make-sense (even if you COULD understand THE HOWEVER UNFAIR). Do NOT try to wrap your head around it- YOU CAN’T! I know you want to- but YOU CAN’T! You have no choice but to allow it to be the reality that it is. I know it sucks- that’s not in issue. It’s not fair- I know that too… Given this, if you have to.. allow it to PROVOKE YOU- and Rage Your Way through it! Let it piss you off so much that you SUMMON FORTH- The Biggest Bad Ass You (B.B.A.Y.), IN YOU!  It’s in there, you know…

P.S. I have a TRIGGER that I’d like to share with y’all. I don’t always remember it as much as I should, but when I do- I immediately WAKE UP with an elevated countenance. It works (at least for me), & I’m hoping it works for you…The below exhortation TRIGGER has gotten me through many Dark-Hours.

This TRIGGER comes in the form of a question:
“Look, there’s a lot of shit that will be unleashed upon you, BUT there are a lot of Different YOU’S- INSIDE OF YOU. There is a weak-you, a shy-you, a BOLD-you, and a POWERFUL-you. The QUESTION is: WHICH YOU, will you UNLEASH upon THE SHIT!?”

B.P.S. THAT QUESTION- is intended to invoke the STRONGEST in us. To bring to the table- THAT GUY (or THAT GIRL) ...Bring THAT ONE! Indeed, an URGENT & imperative, but often OVER-LOOKED OPTION …from the Lookout Post. 
