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Philosopher, Poet, Lyricist, Screenwriter, Motivator, Author, and self-styled Spoken Word Practitioner. Some have said that the observations of Ethoas are nothing short of profound insights into the human condition. His wish, is for his words to drop like falling tears that form introspective strokes on the convalescent’s canvas. His hope, is for the reader to glean repose from the angst, empowerment from the anger, and inspiration from the agony.

To challenge the odds, the facades, & false gods.
Let’s expose the fallacies, dismiss the jealousies,
ignorant mentalities; topple the walls to all wicked principalities.
Let’s oppose the hatred, at the same time- uphold what’s sacred.
No one’s giv’n freedom away-
Confront the jackals, break your shackles, attack the Taskmaster;
strip the whip from em, then, convert the Bastard!
That’s right fight & prevent (with all your strength),
evil taking precedent. Don’t you ‘ever’ relent:
Show’ em what empower-MEANT!

Marching on the ‘Daily Basis Platform’, (called everyday life), Ethoas defies the Worlds Identity Myth regarding the illusions of ‘race and color’. Challenged as either a ‘Perpetrator or Sell-Out’, he is quick to give the Misled and the Deceived, the following illumination:

Let me tell you something: If you are looking to find me, you won’t find me on a shelf in a Sherman Williams store. I am not a color. I don’t have a ‘Color Identity’, nor do I have a ‘Color Identity Crisis’.  I’m a human being, and I’m a man. I embrace culture, not color. The world tries to separate us by the color of our skin. To me, that is unacceptable. For, I have learned that the true measure of a man lies in the depths of his soul.

 When I was very young, I was fortunate to have two African American mentors in my life (Cootie Chapman and Alan ‘Flint’ Robinson). Cootie implanted the seed of humanity in my heart and showed me that the only race is the ‘Human Race’. He protected me and opened that first door! He was the impetus and reason why I became a ‘One-Man Revolution’. Flint demonstrated how creativity could be applied to any social situation and that no one has the copyright on soul. He taught me ‘The Element of Compassion’ and the indomitable power of self-expression. These two dynamic individuals showed me that one doesn’t have to be ‘born of the tribe’, to be a ‘valued tribe member’, and it’s not about ‘color’- it’s all about ‘consciousness’!  I am forever grateful, for I belong to the tribe of mankind, called ‘Humanity’!