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Skinny Dipping Through Space Water

Genre:Poetry compilation, Spoken Word

‘A dynamic and compelling read ranging from mind-provoking social commentaries to illuminations beneath the Bodhi Tree. Consisting of 48 poems, spoken words, and lyrics. Some have said that the Poetry of Ethoas is nothing short of profound insights into the human condition. It is the Author’s prayer that the many expressions conveyed find ‘meaning’ within the mind of the Reader. If anyone can relate to, identity with, or is motivated by any of these conveyances- then, the ‘drop will have swallowed the ocean’!

This work explores several intriguing self-examined subjects: 

Adoration, and

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The Peak of Equanimity:

Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Self-Discovery, Inner Quest, Philosophy

The Peak of Equanimity is a journey of self-discovery that takes place upon a mythical mountain in the Ethiopian Highlands, circa 100 BC.

ATU, a soon-to-be Pharaoh of Axum, is at his father BEMBE’s death bed. Amidst the myriad of emotions that accompany this bleak occasion, ATU learns that his father was poisoned by the fiendish AFI (an ancient but comely Witch of the Forest) that yields great mystical powers. Prior to passing, BEMBE shamefully confesses that AFI is actually ATU’s birth mother and is willing to resort to any treachery to become the next ruler. Knowing that his son will be in grave danger once he becomes Pharaoh, BEMBE implores ATU to seek the counsel of the fabled mountain ascetic, GA WREE WREE, to learn how to defend the kingdom. After his father last breath, ATU mournfully vows to avenge his father’s death. 

Thus, the quest begins. 

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Lever in your Mind: 

Genre: Philosophy, New-Age, Spiritual, Christian Mysticism, Self-Help

Picture your darkest hour, when life slammed down upon you like a sledgehammer and you fell to your knees. Do you remember the brutality of that twisted moment that buckled your will and rendered you utterly helpless? What if, the next time you crumpled to the ground, you found the capacity to rise to your feet?  What if, you could somehow pull a ‘Lever in your Mind’ and summon forth the might to triumph over the insurmountable?

Each of us has a hidden ‘Lever’ that gives us the power to transcend our obstacles. This work reveals 9 Interdictums (Codes of Conduct) to serve as a lighthouse and guide us through the maze of ambiguity called everyday life.

Navigate through fear, anxiety, impulse behavior, depression, co-dependency, toward self-forgiveness, and master the self. Find your ‘Lever’ to mental liberation, moral responsibility, and spiritual fitness. Then- PULL IT!