In the Star Trek episode, Spectre of the Gun, an alien race called the Melkotians adjudicated that the Enterprise violated their air space and condemned the landing party to death for trespassing. In an illusory landscape that resembles the old west, the crew find themselves at O.K. Corral  about to face off with the Earp brothers and Doc Holliday. Their phasers have been changed into six-shooters, and they cannot contact their ship. First Officer Spock deducts that the world they are experiencing does not conform to the laws of reality. Given this, he postulates that if they are ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that they cannot be harmed, then no harm will come to them. With time running out and the Earps’ approaching, Spoc Mind-Melds (implanting protective hypnotic suggestions)  into Captain Kirk, Engineer Scott, and Dr. McCoy.  Now infused with absolute conviction, as the Earps’ and Holliday open fire- their bullets pass harmlessly through them!

“The softest things in the world overcome the hardest things in the world. Through this I know the advantage of taking no action.”  -Lao Tzu

“The Sage acts by doing nothing…Act without action…The Sage’s Way is to act and not to contend.”-Tao Te Ching

-It is imprinting the clay without touching it.
-It is sculpting life without picking up a scalpel.
-It is defeating the opposition without opposing it.
-It is contesting a fracas without a confrontation.
-It is changing the world, by simply- NOT allowing the world to change you!

Things might not always go our way. There will be times when we must take a step back and just be still: Do not try to change the Field, just change your ATTITUDE about the Field. By not being INFLUENCED by the Field and not being AFFECTED by the Field, you will not be INFECTED by the Field. Through Non-Action you will be untouched. By not being influenced- YOU, in effect, influence and CHANGE THE FIELD! Therefore, if your INITIAL IMPRESSION foreshadows the unfavorable- Don’t take the bait! Don’t buy into it, don’t get on that page, dismiss it; for there are OTHER POSSIBILITES out there, with more positive outcomes. Who is to say what reality will manifest itself? So, BE STILL.

P.S. To me, the pic says it all. I don’t see a casual aloofness but a FOCUSED INDIFFERENCE: A disciplined demonstration of DEFIANT NONCHALANCE- unmoved by the illusory drama unfolding before them.

B.P.S. It’s like creating your own BODHI TREE TO SIT BENEATH. Using creativity to liberate yourself from External Circumstances & the self-imposed shackles of your own Mind. NOW THAT’S what I call- INNOVATIVE GRACE! A strategy not found in any playbook- but now, a MUST-GEAR to SHIFT TO…From the Lookout Post.

