When my life has passed me by…
I lay around and wonder why-
You were always there for me.
-Sugar Ray – Lyrics from Someday

Every time I listen to this song, the lyrics sneak up on me & just slay me…‘I hear a song from another time.’  Man, memories of my Dad just flood my heart … ‘I go to leave, and you reach for me.’  Wow! One day when we were just reminiscing, my Dad intimated to me, “I know you inside and out. I formed you with my hands, like clay.” So true, so true, I am yours and  ‘You were always there for me’.  Boyza Gime’ Te Hodish, Otetz… ‘Sooo far, sooo long, sooo far away. Sooo far, sooo wrong, sooo far away, away, away

My son, Marcel, dedicated this song to me on Father’s Day- best gift ever! 😊Counting my blessings…from the Lookout Post.
