Self-Degradation- is dead.
Choose elevation- instead.
To lead- & not be led.
To be still- & not dread
To have fought- & not fled.
To back it up- Once said.
Higher Ground’s- just up ahead.
It’s just up ahead….
Just up ahead.
-Ethoas (lyrics from Offa that Ground)

 P.S.  …at the end of the eighth round he got hit with an uppercut and went down. Douglas seemed more angry than hurt, slamming his fist into the mat and carefully following the referee's count, making it back to his feet before the count of 10. The bell rang seconds later to end the round. Douglas had survived. The dream was alive. In some ways it was the defining moment of the fight. It would have been easy for him to quit and take the moral victory and stay down where it was safe. He had already outperformed expectations. Instead, he rose to his feet, 231 pounds of steady perseverance.  "Tyson said everybody has a plan until he gets hit," Merchant said. "Douglas got hit. But he got up." An uppercut, this time by Douglas, started a four-punch combination that ended with Tyson on the canvas for the first time in his career. David, against all odds, had slain Goliath. 
-Article written by Jonathan Snowden (February 11,2015)

 B.P.S. Mike is one of my all-time favorites, but on this occasion, his face tells the whole story; ‘Uh-Oh, he’s not giv’n up.’ Words to manifest my own self-realization…from the Lookout Post

