Three of the most magnanimous gestures a human being can extend to another:
1.Undeserved Kindness
3.And, Mercy
To do so, is like releasing DOVES OF GRACE that loyally return to you.

 “WOW, if we are judged by how many times in this life, we have released the DOVES OF GRACE. Oh, my… For, my tally is SEVERLY lacking, and I certainly NEED all three. Lord knows, I need all three.

None of them cost us anything. None of them exhaust our time. But, to extend any one of them-
will SPROUT WINGS on our back like the angels!
Who can forsake vengeance from a defeated rival-
even if it’s a righteous war?
Who can overlook their own injury-
& not inflict it upon their shamed oppressor?
Who is tall enough to not stoop-
to the level of their slanderous adversary?  
Who is strong enough to not thrust-
the Coup De Gra on a conquered assailant?

 P.S. When the opportunity presents itself; can I? WILL I- Muster up the magic to release the DOVES OF GRACE? An Uncomfortable, but NECESSARY Introspection….from the Lookout Post.
