Sky Full of People

In a sky full of people,
only some want to fly-
Isn't that crazy?
In a world full of people,
only some want to fly-
Isn't that crazy?
In a heaven of people,
there's only some want to fly-
Ain't that crazy?

P.S.  I get it…
People we pass on the street, briefly meet,
& daily greet- usually treat us, so Ob-So-Lete.
Folks I got in back-of, or lost track-of,
due to the lack-of- were so In-Com-Plete.

But Unicorns found me, astounded me,
& profoundly- mentored me along the way.
Sadly, some passed away. And, I sadly say,
I mourn their passing- to this very day.

Blessed were their souls, who gallantly rose,
& God KNOWS-I will NEVER for-get.
These ‘Elevated Few’, I wholeheartedly knew,
it’s so true-are the grandest I have EVER met.

Unlike the Passer-Bys’, the pesky flies,
or the allies with no ties-
that were NEVER meant to stay.
They were PASSER-ON’s,
with special bonds,
SOOOOOOO strong-
I memorized the MAGIC they conveyed!
What MAGIC they displayed!

I’ve hung around long enough to know,
that suffering is part of being free.
It can weigh you down. But I get a lift –
knowing there’s some people left like me.
Associates like to pretend, but, in truth,
it all depends-on what you can do for them.
Man, it’s good to have a friend!
4-Ev-er Beholden to the PASSER-ON’s…from the Lookout Post
