Element of Compassion

Background: Slippery Rock State University, circa 1975. Yeah- way back when….I met the most incredible charismatic human being that forever changed how I interfaced the world. His name was Alan Robinson, and he was nicknamed FLINT, for his smooth approach to women (ala the movie ‘In like Flint’). Flint was a tall slender brother (about 6’ 2”) that conveyed a discernable countenance.

 Well, one day I was hang’n out with Flint and another brother on campus, when he suddenly interrupted our intense philosophical discussion, “EX-CUSE ME.”  Taking leave, he powerwalked 50 yards to intercept an attractive young lady strolling across the courtyard. Fascinated, we watched from the distance, as he intercepted her path, and said something- pointing to her eyes. A couple of minutes later he returned, and I asked him, “Do you know her?” Flint beguilingly smiled and then characteristically replied emphasizing every word, “I-DO-NOW.”

 One day, while reminiscing, he revealed to me that he called his Macking approach, “The El-Eee-MENT of COM-PAS-SION.” You see, when he wanted to accentuate a point, he would communicate in his stylistic trademark fashion- to enunciate a word or sentence by emphasizing syllables….‘EL-Eee-MENT’!   Come on man, is that kicks, or what? He said, that if he didn’t express his fondness, that he “would be cheating them out of their share of compassion.” LOVE IT!

 Fast forward: Throughout the year, Flint and I became extremely close friends and through his brilliant mentorship and many examples- I learned how to utilize Flints bold & instinctively- creative approach to any social, academic, and street scenario. I saw firsthand how he artfully philosophized with super aggressive alpha-males; completely out-maneuvering, out-witting, and diffusing any potential volatility. His intellectual play with the female counterpart was not only skillfully clever, but hilariously entertaining, to say the least.

 Like wet clay, Flint’s artful stratagems were permanently imprinted his into my consciousness and modus operandi. What an INVENTIVE EDGE my Dawg gave me! What a remarkable GIFT, he unknowingly planted- which sponsored [my OWN originality]. Many thanks Bruh. I so cherish the times we rolled together! However, brief those times were- they were imperishable, indelible, and were forever fused into my…‘I-DEN-TI- TY’! 😊

 P.S. Because of Flint, I met my beautiful wife. You see, I just “Couldn’t cheat the Sistah out of her share of COM-PAS-SION.” LOL! Just a memorable and cherished footnote. Forever grateful and indebted to the one called FLINT (a human Unicorn)…from the Lookout Post.

