My Definition:
When you are confronted by someone who triggers a compulsive response in you & your comrades to just flat-out ROAR with LAUGHTER! Wherein Laughing-In-UNISON becomes so EXPLOSIVELY contagious that it increasingly CRESCENDOS rendering the person powerless and in turn leaving you & your comrades side-splitting, with tears streaming down your face from the Madness of Frivolity.

Circa: Way Back When- my sons were in Middle School.
Setting: Taking them to school in the morning.
Parties Involved: A Karen, my sons (Tommy, Marcel), and I.

We were running late that day, so we were bust’n a move that morning. The Middle School we were going to has an Entranceway and an Exit, however, it was commonplace for parents to enter the Exit, because it was extremely wide and could accommodate 3 car widths. Keep in mind that entering the Exit never impeded those leaving the school grounds. 

Well, on this particular day, while we were entering the Exit, a woman (a “Karen”) took it upon herself to impede our pathway. She purposefully stopped 1 foot in front of my car, which made me stop. She could have easily drove around and exited as others were doing, but today she want to make a statement. Obviously, parents utilizing the Exit just ‘ate-her-up’ and she’s taking it PERSONAL! So, there we were at a MEXICAN STANDOFF! You should have seen her face behind the wheel, cursing me out. Just RAGING! Keep in mind, we cannot hear her, we can just witness her melting down in front of us.

I looked at my boys, chuckled, and then commented: “Can you believe this fool? Is she tripp’n or what?”  Knowing that there is a car behind me, and cars were exiting to my left, there was no way I could go around the vigilante. So, I looked straight ahead towards The Karen and gestured with my hands, ‘NOW WHAT?’

After another minute of raging passed by when The Karen attempted to take it to the next level. So, she creeps up next to my car rolling her window down. Now keep in mind, I could, if I wanted to, move forward at this point but she wanted to make this a Mano-A-Mano thing. That’s kinda funny, so I remained stopped & waited for her to approach. In the meantime, I informed my sons, “Watch this, guys…”

The Karens’ car slowly pulled up next to mine with her window down. But before she could give me a piece of her mind, I strategically made sure my WINDOW WAS UP and I was purposefully LOOKING STRAIGHT AHEAD, not giving her any eye contact.  When her car stopped parallel to mine, with her Driver’s door 1 foot away, she waited for me to roll down my window.

I accommodated her, rolled my window down, but still purposefully FACED FORWARD so there was no way she could anticipate my next move. Then, I suddenly turned towards her but LOOKED DOWN at my right index finger flicking my left shoulder! Immediately afterwards, I looked up at her, WORLD LAUGHED, & at the same time MOVED FOWARD! All this happened in a matter of seconds not giving her a chance to respond. Me & my boys BUSTED UP LAUGHING all the way till we reached our destination. And The Karen? I never gave her a chance to vent, and now she had no choice but to go home FUMING & humiliated! …Rightly so!

P.S. Noth’n better than a WORLD LAUGH to start the day out right! 😊

B.P.S. Just remembering, Good Times! …From the Lookout Post


