FALSE-SELF (My definition):
Actions we manifest for whatever reasons wherein we project a FALLACIOUS (erroneous) image of ourselves which contradicts our Innermost Being, our core values, our moral code, our belief system, and/or the desired depiction of ourselves.

And afterwards, we exclaim in our heart-of-hearts:
“That’s not what I represent.”
“That’s not who I truly am.”
“That is not my True Self.”
“That’s not the authentic me.”
“That’s not who I identify with.”
“That’s not who I want to be.”
“That’s not my typical behavior & character.”
“That’s a lesser version of me.”
‘That portrayed me in a false light.”
“I’m better than that.”
“That action betrayed me.”

To get to the bottom of the matter, one must INTROSPECT and ask oneself 2 hard questions: Why does it bother me? Where does this come from? The answers are always  the start in every recovery process.

Before you contemplate, (accept, allow, grasp), any ‘Not You” portrayals…Before you wander towards an erroneous action that leads to the unfolding of a False Self- Perform a simple but effective MINDFULNESS EXERCISE. It is a technique that involves visually SUPER-IMPOSING a counterstriking phrase over the False-Self suggestive narrative.

Look at any blank wall in front of you, now create 2 columns. Visualize the contemplated unwanted image or suggestion, (the ‘NOT YOU’), on the left-hand side of the wall. See it clearly…Visualize it up-close. Now picture on the right-hand column the words “NOT INTERESTED.” See it clearly…Visualize it up-close. Now TRANSFER the phrase “NOT Interested” from the right-hand column over to the left-hand column and place the words “NOT Interested” OVER the ‘Not You’ image. The “NOT Interested” phrase now occupies the same space as the ‘Not You’ Image. In fact, it is in front of the ‘Not You Image’. Its extending over & covering up the ‘Not You Image’. “NOT Interested” is overlapping, overlaying on top of the ‘Not You’ image or suggestion. See it clearly…Visualize it UP-CLOSE.  

Now REALIZE, that once you Super-Impose the words on top of the ‘Not You’ image- you just canceled out any RECEPTIVITY! REALIZE, that the MERE ACT of mentally Super-Imposing, has initiated a SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS, neutralizing & negating any inclination to engage. REALIZE, that this shift in consciousness- has Activated & SUMMONED FORTH The POWER of your Innermost Being! REALIZE- this, as TRUTH. 

Because apathy is a powerful antidote. Any ‘Not You’ allurement cannot affect you if you could care less: It loses its power, influence, & control. It cannot elicit a response from you because it is rendered meaningless. Any ‘Not You’ scenario-snares cannot even get your attention, because you don’t care (ala the old adage: “If you don’t mind- it don’t matter’). By continually Super-Imposing the phrase “NOT Interested” over the ‘Not You’ suggestion- it becomes MANTRA, making Mantra REALITY!

P.S. UNDERSTANDING: To NOT deal with your erroneous propensities PROPERLY can hurt your relationship with yourself. Wrong (flawed) Thinking leads to Wrong Action and the result is always- grief & manifestation of a False Self.  Why? Because a False Self will always violate (to some degree) the hosts True Nature (our Innermost Being). Given this understanding, it is imperative to implement a NEW RESPONSE, a NEW WAY OF REACTING. We must learn a NEW RELATIONSHIP with our thoughts that safeguard our True Self.

B.P.S. Consider if you will, Ephesians 4:22-24, as well as one of my favorite Einstein postulations, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”  Thus, I offer the above Critical-Thinking TAO for those of us who are, as Nietzsche phrased, “Human, all too human.” ...From the Lookout Post.
