A dreaded psychological FUNNEL that swirls like a tornado revolving around someone’s motives, defenses, passive-retaliations, bad intentions, or machinations. It is NEVER good going down that Rabbit Hole- NEVER!  The Vortex I speak of is that sudden unexpected downward spiraling whirlpool that emotionally draws you in despite your unwilling consent.

You don’t voluntarily enter- you FALL into a Vortex. You get SUCKED-INTO it. The next thing you know- you’re IN THERE. It usually begins with a seemingly harmless question that is really a LEADING question, but if you broke it down further- it’s is a MIS-LEADING question. It catches you off guard, it catches you by surprise, and catches you with your guard down. To EVEN RESPOND unlocks the trapdoor beneath your feet, for once you innocently answer you find yourself instantly in a NO-WIN disagreeable position. A mere response- entraps you.

You been FLUSHED and the further down you get sucked into the Rabbit Hole the more comfortable and distressful it gets. You didn’t ask FOR IT, but you unwittingly GOT IT and IT IS always regrettable in hindsight. We’ve all placated to the carrot-dangling SUCTION, we’ve all got lured-in by the soft-ambush, we’ve all been SUCKED-IN, and we all felt like SUCKERS afterwards!

P.S. Look man, it can come from A-N-Y-B-O-D-Y: From ne’er-do-well associates, bosses, family members, friends, busy-body neighbors (Karens), and definitely- panhandlers. No need to go into details because it’s ALL DRAMA- unnecessary drama. One thing’s for sure- You will KNOW, when you are ‘IN’ a Vortex. Self-Counsel: DON’T TAKE THE BAIT! Don’t answer the question. Don’t even give eye contact. Don’t open the Door and don’t go through the door if they open it. Don’t trust the INVITE. See the SNARE for what it really is- It’s a God-damned VORTEX!

B.P.S Okay, okay, lesson learned. From this point forward: “Cautiouslike crossing a winter stream” (à la Tao Te Ching) …From the Lookout Post.

