In a scene from Star Trek (the original series) What Little Girls Are Made Of, the giant android, “RUK”, comes to a Consciousness Altering Epiphany after being intellectually challenged by Captain Kirk. RUK finally remembers, and declares, “THAT! Was the EQUATION! Then, RUK grabs ahold of Kirk like a rag doll (nearly squeezing the life out of him), and vehemently exclaims, “Existence, SURVIVAL- MUST CANCEL OUT PROGRAMMING!”


RUK’S decisive illumination hauntingly stuck with me throughout the many years. To me, it was always more than just entertainingly memorable. For, I found it- Introspectively POWERFUL! …It was RESOLUTE …It was DISOBEDIENT, …and it was DEFINITIVE! It was a NON-COMPLIANT proclamation of SELF-LIBERATION and a FORCEFUL ACTIVATION of INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY!

& I wanted THAT!

One day after mulling over my defeats, I found that I had continually made the same mistakes over-and-over again, year after year. I unwittingly seemed to step repeatedly into the same problematic potholes (replaying the PROGRAMMING). Like so many others, I was ‘STUCK ON STUPID’, duplicating the same errors to my detriment. Consequently, my redundant blunders stabbed myself in the back many times and BRUISED MY VERY SOUL.  

After surveying the field, I became fascinated by those unique few, who have survived their moments of crisis. I have often wondered in awe at those magnificent human beings that have displayed integrity and EQUANIMITY during the most turbulent of times. Their regal examples have caused me to ponder the following:

1.After a brutalizing knock down, where does ‘the HEROIC’ find the COMMAND to brazenly rise to the challenge?

2.How does ‘the DISTRAUGHT’, who can barely endure another second and are completely spent- find that EXTRA KICK to cross the finish line?

3.How does ‘the WORLD-WEARY’ acquire HOPE & BELIEF to confront the improbable, and literally will the tempo to their favor?

4.What emboldens ‘the CONVALESCENT’ to discover unyielding SELF-DEFIANCE, and refuse the Minds compulsion from becoming ensnared by the folly again?

5.How did ‘the WISE’ acquire the INTERNAL FORTITUDE to forbid the conscience from being nauseated by the act of looking back?

6.How does ‘the COMPOSED’ acquire the GRACE to live without clinging onto that which they desperately cherish the most?

P.S. Determined to liberate myself from the OBSTRUCTIONS of the Mind (the negative conditioning) and the OBSTACLES of the World (my External Circumstances); I continued my ardent studies of eastern philosophies, Bible principles, and intense self-examination. Out of character necessity and to assist myself in accomplishing the colossal task of ‘overcoming and letting go’- LEVER IN YOUR MIND manifested. Each Consciousness Altering Interdictum, 9 in total- became my self-prescribed EQUATION to regain & maintain my Individual Sovereignty.

B.P.S. For, “Existence, SURVIVAL- MUST CANCEL OUT PROGRAMMING!” This most noteworthy proclamation is fully endorsed …From the Lookout Post.
