How people treat you or attempt to treat you and how you respond accordingly is a sub-current communication called “NEGOTIATING VALUE”. It can be indirect and underlying, but it is emotionally evident…Because, you know HOW IT MAKES YOU FEEL!

High-Powered Mathematics tells me that ‘How you LET people treat you & your acceptance thereof- is an AGREEMENT to YOUR OWN VALUE. (“Man can’t ride your back- unless it’s bent.”- Martin Luther King)

Value yourself and know your self-worth.  KNOW YOUR WORTH! Know how much you have to offer. Don’t sell yourself short from what you deserve. Don’t undervalue yourself or limit yourself. Don’t negotiate away your self-respect, it’s NEVER worth it…NEVER!

Do not needlessly suffer by internalizing it and DO NOT hesitate to make your wants/needs/interests known. You must be willing to STAND UP and benevolently demand it- by negotiating. What does this mean? It means, you must be willing to BRING IT TO THE TABLE (so to speak). Bring it to their attention. You must be willing to interface (even your loved ones) and disagree with how they are treating you. There is a possibility that they are UNAWARE of their NEGLECTFUL CONSIDERATION of you. Throughout the whole process, however, you must CAREFULLY speak to people in the tone you would like to be spoken to. Never forget: POSITIVE WORDS go a long way. If you disagree- disagree with kindness, but with unwavering FIRMNESS. Use SOFT WORDS but have a HARD LINE.

You MAY have to change your expectation from those you are negotiating with (even if it is your loves ones) but still hold them ACCOUNTABLE for violating or intruding upon your dignity (LINE). In addition, you must be willing to PEACEFULLY walk away from an unacceptable offer. (You know the old saying- You can do bad by yourself.) But if you crossed the LINE of another- hold yourself accountable as well! Yes, you must be emotionally prepared and strong enough to HUMBLE yourself and APOLOGIZE (whether they are gracious enough to forgive you or NOT)…IT GOES BOTH WAYS.

P.S. Allow people to INVEST IN YOU- they will appreciate the relationship more. You are worth their investment. But treat folks like YOU want to be treated- use this adage as a barometer. Know this: People respect those who have a LINE and tend to naturally disrespect those with NO LINES. So, DRAW YOUR LINE in the sand & respect the lines of Others.

B.P.S. People only give you what you give yourself: When you allow people to cross your LINE- you are disrespecting yourself. Why do we need LINES? It’s NOT for other folks- it’s for OURSELVES. So, become an ADVOCATE for your own AUTONOMY! Just keep’n it REAL…from the Lookout Post.
