It was my Junior year in USF (University of South Florida), and I can vividly recall a most memorable occasion … I was residing in a Dorm like-Apt complex across the street from the main campus that had its own cafeteria. It was not an all-you-can- eat situation, but it provided its residents with three PORTIONED meals (included in the Room and Board).  As I was slowly making my way up to the buffet counter, little did I know I was about to be served some HUMBLE PIE.

After standing in line for quite some time, I finally arrived at the counter which presented the residents with different types of food dishes. Like Chipotle & Subway there was a glass partition between the customer and the food.  Two staff servers awaited our choices to prepare the plates. Al, the Head Chef, was a 30-something year old African American, and the first to interact with. I’m tell’n you, this cat looked like a caricature straight outta-comic book: He was portly and had a silhouette figure like Alfred Hitchcock! Barely standing 5’7”, he sported a pointy goatee that extended about 6” beyond his chin.

Chef Al methodically placed 2 slices of turkey on my plate, topped it with gravy, and was about to place a scoop of mashed potatoes on my plate, when I quickly asked, “Can you give me TWO scoops of mashed potatoes?”

Chef Al methodically informed me that everyone gets the mandatory ONE SCOOP. Having eaten there for several weeks, I was privy to that information; but being young, stupid, and cocky I leaned-in towards the glass partition and insisted in a low confidential voice, “No one’s gonna see- just put another scoop on the plate.”

Al, looked at me incredulously & asked in a loud defiant voice, “You think your somethin’ special?”

Suddenly, all the attention was immediately focused on my anticipated reaction. As the long line to my left awaited my answer… I theatrically looked to the right (as if conferring with myself), looked to the left, at my buddy next in line, turned towards Chef Al & exclaimed, “Yeah!” (Arrogantly shaking my head with affirmation).

Without a moment’s hesitation, Chef Al straight away PLOPPED DOWN ONE SCOOP of mashed potatoes!  Afterwards, he obstinately commented, “Maybe to these little girls’ baby- But, NOT TO ME!”  Note: On the word ‘NOT’- he downright dismissed me, by dramatically SLIDING MY PLATE about 5 feet towards the desert section, as if to say, “I’m done with you, Sonny Boy- NEXT!

Everyone who witnessed Al’s Dis of the Young Buc, just burst with laughter! And you know what? I LAUGHTED TOO! Man, he set me up good! The whole place ERUPTED… AT MY EXPENSE! But it was SOOOOO DAMN FUNNY, I had to join in on the laughter myself! Al’s fast thinking wit was absolutely HILARIOUS. Man, from that point forward, no one challenged Chef Al 😊!

Well, the very next day, as I approached the counter. You could see Al had his finger on the trigger (so to speak). So, I looked at him, and emphatically placed both hands in the air (like a gun was pointed at me), and CONFESSED, “I’m NOT special, Chef Al.”….That posture totally disarmed my man, and then I leaned into the partition with a low (but sincere voice this time), “But if you could spare it, I’d really LOVE to have 2 scoops of those mashed potatoes.”  (…Still had some cocky in me 😊)

Having knocked me down a couple notches, Chef Al, smiled, and magnanimously placed a 2nd scoop on the plate, (he NEVER does that). Then, he replied with admiration and affection, ‘Get out of here...”

Since that time, Chef Al & I became kind-of close, having many long talks about life in general.

 P.S. So grateful for one of the MANY TIMES life served me ‘HUMBLE PIE’. Swallowing one’s pride- does not always taste great. At first bite, it can taste extremely bitter, but it does wonders for the Souls digestion. Having eaten sooooo MANY SLICES throughout the years has taught me to embrace being ‘HUMAN’ and to admit MY OWN HYPOCRISY! Of all virtues, I have found HUMILITY to be the foundation to Wisdom and Self-Realization. Indeed, it is the quickest pathway to INSIGHT.  HUMBLE PIE, Oh My, My- The most unforgettable ACQUIRED taste...from the Lookout Post.




