The Late-Great PROF MAC

The first time I realized that I was ‘awakening’ (so to speak), was in my sophomore year at Slippery Rock State College. I was a wet ‘behind-the-ear’ 19-year-old attempting to sit anonymously in a basic Philosophy class, or so I thought…The Professor’s name was Bob Macoskey. He appeared much taller than his 6’ frame. In fact, he was quite an intimidating figure, to say the least. He came across as a MANS-MAN with a football coach physique. He was the type one would instantly respect and was cautious not to cross. Amazingly CHARISMATIC- Professor Mac, as he was fondly called, had PIERCING EYES and an incredible INFECTIOUS LAUGH.

One day, the class was listening to recorded soundtracks of Hindu priests, reciting the Aum, while in a deep state of meditation. Professor Mac requested that we contemplate each cut played, and then afterwards, he would call upon us to give our feedback. He wanted us to express our impressions by titling what we heard. Perhaps it reflected my un-enlightenment, but the mantra emanating from the meditating Hindu priests sounded like a lot of gargling, projectile vomiting, and other offensive noises. Most of the students viewed it in the same light, and described it as such (i.e. suffering, strife, pain, etc.). Feeling slip-shy and not wanting to make a spectacle of myself, I forced myself to think in a mundane fashion. The more I tried to force it, the more of a blank I drew. When my turn finally arrived, I unexpectedly blurted out, “Spiritual Regurgitation.”

My classmates and Professor Mac laughed out loud, and a few sprinkled chuckles lingered afterwards. I felt extremely uncomfortable, for the last thing I wanted to do was ‘stand out’. After hearing the remaining of my classmates’ comments, the Professor played another tape. The next cut was a lofty melody from a high-pitched guitar. It was a beautiful composition wherein each cosmic note slowly developed, resonated, and then faded into a reverbed echo. The class was mystified, and when called upon, many of my classmates entitled the cut using simple positive descriptors (i.e. love, peace, joy, etc.). Again, I wished to embrace my anonymity, especially after I brought so much attention to myself the first time. I sought the safety and comforts of conformity, wishing to be truly INVISIBLE. When I look back on it today, I realize that I seriously contemplated SELLING OUT and was so close to saying something Judasly average. Fortunately, despite my trepidations- something deep inside of me rebelliously overruled the dread, and at the last second, I uttered, “SKINNY DIPP’N THROUGH SPACE WATER.”

There was COMPLETE SILENCE, for what felt like an eternity. The whole class seemed to hold its breath, and then, that was it! Whatever nervous tensions the classroom had bottled up prior to my comment, was quickly forgotten. In unison, the air [ERUPTED] with laughter!  So heartily were these laughs that it seemed to climb up the walls and fall, only to CLIMB BACK UP AGAIN.  Prof. Mac literally stopped the class! He pulled the seat from under his desk and moved it directly in front of the class. There, he sat straddling the chair FACING ME. He put his hands on his head…looked up at me…chuckled…looked down, amused…looked back up at everyone, which caused more laughter…got up…wrote what I had just quoted on the blackboard… SKINNY DIPP’N THROUGH SPACE WATER…stepped back…looked at what he just wrote…shook his head…looked back at the class…looked at the blackboard again… and then turned to look at me. YIKES!

I am telling you- he worked the crowd like a trained professional. By this time, the whole class was looking at me with the BIGGEST OF GRINS! Prof. Mac BEAMED A MEGAWATT SMILE at the class as a whole and rhythmically recited, ‘SKINNY DIPP’N THROUGH SPACE WATER’! Afterwards, he smiled at me, looking deadpan in my eyes, and said, “I’d like to see you after class… if you don’t mind.” The class again ERUPTED WITH LAUGHTER, and I sunk deep into my seat! Well, once the class was dismissed, I tentatively approached the Professor. My heart was in my throat POUNDING. I thought maybe he would admonish me for always drawing illustrations while I took notes in his class. Surprisingly, he was genuinely warm-hearted and invited me to make an appointment to visit him at his on-campus office. We set up a time, and the experience changed my life FOREVER! 

I nervously arrived at our scheduled appointment, and was greeted in an uncharacteristic fashion; for, Prof. Mac did not take on the role as a teacher, but rather one of a gracious HOST and MENTOR. He invited me into his room and offered a seat. Before speaking, he peered deeply into my eyes. It was as if he was attempting to look into my very soul! Amazingly, I did not feel the least bit self-conscious. For, all I could feel was an overwhelming sense of compassion pouring forth from this remarkable human being. Prof. Mac radiated with admiration as he intimated, “You know, I’ve spent many-many years teaching and I have seen thousands upon thousands of students come in and out of my classrooms; but the moment you recited ‘Skinny Dipp’n Through Space Water’, I KNEW IT!”

“What?” I innocently asked.

His smiling eyes, then PEERED again into mine, and stated with absolute surety, “THAT YOU SURVIVED!”

P.S. FYI: ‘Skinny Dipp’n Through Space Water’- became the title to my poetry book! See E-Books section.

B.P.S. When a SINGLE CONFIRMATION takes on [The Butterfly Effect]. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Prof Mac- that affirmation has carried me across the Seas of Self-Doubt and up the Peaks of Equanimity! Mad acknowledgments, 4EVER…. from the Lookout Post.

