It was one of the Bleakest Moments in my life where I was world-weary and racked with melancholy. As hopelessness infiltrated my soul, I was propelled into a deep depression. Despair seemed to suck my reservoir of might dry. Spiritually vulnerable, I felt the presence of a DARK FORCE surrounding me. As a stark void consumed my being, I sat in a chair motionless and beaten.

There was nothing left in me, and it seemed like there was nothing left to me. I felt no joy and NO FULFILLMENT. I felt death, emptiness, anger, and bottomless SHAME. Completely anguished, all I could muster in that horrid moment was a plea FOR MERCY. And so, to that end, I began mediating in earnest prayer. Somewhere along the process, I surrendered to the love of the Most-High, and a SOOTHING PEACE overcame me. I felt compelled to grab a pen and paper, as if preparing to receive instructions. Now mind you, I have NEVER, (NEVER), in my life claimed to hear God’s personal voice. I am no prophet- by ANY means.

 As I settled back in the chair and took a deep breath, a WISDOM that appeared NOT of my own, gently SPOKE to my inner ears. Perhaps it was my Higher Self conveying a rescue message that I desperately wanted to hear from the Most-High. Perhaps what LITTLE FAITH I HAD REMAINING- fought HARD to be heard, as an answer to my GRIEVING prayer. Either way, the following words became known:

“All that is troubling you is DRAMA. Let the drama unfold. That which is happening to you, is like the PASSING OF THE WIND. Don’t chase after the leaves, let them rest where they may. DO NOT chase the leaves, nor fret as to where they are falling. With one inclination, I can GATHER them all together or SWEEP them all away! What can the world do to you unless I ALLOW it to do to you. LET IT COME TO YOU. Be perfectly STILL before the drama- UNINVOLVED!

Seek Me and ignore the illusion unfolding before you, and you will NOT BE SWALLOWED within THE WHIRLPOOL OF DRAMA. Come onto Me, and I will prepare the field surrounding you. TRUST ME, and in so trusting, I WILL SHELTER YOU. GIVE ME YOUR WILL, and I WILL HELP YOU. I will NEVER leave you. Let your confidence be in knowing that I love you. Open your heart to me and make me your MOST BELOVED LOVED ONE.

The light shines upon you, stay in the light. As darkness surrounds you, you will be illumined. Blessings are all I have to offer. DO NOT PLACE MEANING on A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G that is happening around you. Remember, I am all that matters, and you matter to me. Do not forsake yourself, ALL IS NOT LOST. I see everything and know E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

FEAR NOT. Struggle no more. All will be set right. Don’t chase after the leaves, let them rest where they may.”

After exiting ‘The Whirlpool of Drama’- to prevent myself from falling into that Vortex in the future, I devised a Self-Instruction (Interdictum #8, in my Self-Help book Lever in your Mind): “No Longer chasing after the leaves nor fretting as to where they may fall; thereby, ignoring the ‘passing-of-the-wind’, and letting the drama unfold. Let the drama unfold... Let the drama unfold.”

FOOTNOTE: ‘Nor fretting as to WHERE THEY MAY FALL’- a pivotal point in my life’s CRASH COURSE called Critical Non 😊-Thinking 101. Thus, I cling to the following 2 scriptures: Psalm 91:15: “He (the believer) will call upon me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him.”  Phil 4:7: The peace of God, that excels all thought- will guard your hearts and your mental powers, by means of Christ Jesus.”

P.S. HE will shelter us-oh, how we dearly need it. May all glory, honor, & praise go to the Most High (Jah, Yahweh, Jehovah)...from the Lookout Post.

B.P.S. This ones for you Raphael, a true Warrior Poet.
