It was my Senior year in High School and all 5 of us seniors were asked by our Varsity B-Ball Coach to give a little speech tomorrow at the after-school Prep Rally. Having a game with a local rival, we wanted our fans to create as much noise as possible. The next day at lunch time, one of the seniors (a long-time sports rival) approached me and told me that he as well as the other 3 heard through the grapevine that I was going to recite a Spoken-Word Poem, so they elected to forgo their speech. Taken aback, I asked WHY, and he said that they didn’t want to look stupid…REALLY?...Huh!

Ok, I figured I’m gonna roll with it and I was stoically very cool with it- until I saw the clock, ☹ and it was go’n down within an hour! DANG! The nerves started to SET-IN! Agitated and infuriated for being [Put on the Spot] by my fellow teammates, I finally confided in a close buddy of mine (Joey White) who sat behind me in English Class. After silently reflecting on the matter, Joey, with a defiant SMIRK on his face- looked at me and gave me the most profound advice. In fact, after that day, on ANY occasion I had to give a speech or any performance of any kind- I would put in practice his counsel. So, what DID Joey say to me?  


At first, the Point behind the Profundity did not register…Then, BAM! - I got it! I GOT IT! That simple common-sense suggestion was ALL-Zen to me, Bruh. In fact, it struck a chord in me soooooo deep; I wrote it down on a small piece of paper and placed it into my shirt pocket…..saving it!

Let’s run with that for a second: Joey was absolutely correct- to CARE would make me susceptible to every negative emotion that the brain could manufacture (fear, worry, apprehension, self-doubt, self-consciousness, panic, you name it). But, if I ‘JUST DIDN’T CARE’- the outcome would have [NO MEANING]. How I felt during the performance- [WOULD NOT MATTTER]. How it was received- would amount to a [‘SO WHAT’]. Man, the POWER in that simple instruction was conclusively a GAME CHANGER! To employ that strategy would be liberating- it would totally FREE ME! So, MY MIND DID A 180 and regained the poise I needed to pull it off! I GOT THIS! I really GOT THIS! Thanks, Brotha Joey!

Fast forward to the Prep Rally:  All 5 seniors were introduced, and we walked to the center of the gym (center stage). ALL EYES ON US Y’ALL! I was asked to speak, so I took about 10 PACES away from the other 4 seniors. This was purposeful, because there was no unison amongst us, and it was ALL ON ME anyway…EYEOLOGY- indeed! I took a deep breath…calmly took out that PIECE OF PAPER with Joey’s quote…glanced at it…smiled to myself…placed it back into my pocket…and then started doing my thing.  

After the 1st verse the MIC WENT OUT! Say whaaaaaaat?! Apparently, the power switch had to be reset…TRIIIIIIIIP! But, no biggie, it didn’t faze my Locked-In Mind Set. I GOT THIS! So, I theatrically began TAPPING the Mic to let everyone know- IT AIN’T ME! 😊…. Everyone laughed…After a short delay, the mic was turned back on & I finished my rhymes…DROP THE MIC! Everyone applauded & a small faction in the Senior crowd ROSE giving me a standing ovation. I graciously bowed, but deep down, I DIDN’T CARE and everyone who witnessed it- KNEW IT TOO!

Obviously, the next day, I admiringly thanked Joey for his sagacious insight. To this day, I am ever so grateful to him. From that time forward, years upon years, I have applied Joey’s-Zen. As a matter of fact, I have conveyed that emboldened experience to my beautiful daughter (India Truth), when she expressed trepidation about speaking in front of all the employees of her company after winning a manager award.

P.S. I liken it to the Mind-Set an athlete needs when shooting 2 foul shots with 1 second left on the clock and your teams down by 1 point. You’ve practiced forever in preparation (envisioning the moment), but IN THAT EXACT MOMENT, Guess what? Yep, you got it- YOU JUST CAN’T GIVE A SHIT. It’s not apathy- it’s Empowered Detachment, Renunciation of Negativity! It’s one ‘Never-Forgotten’ Lesson….from the Lookout Post.

